What's a #GypsyDiva you ask?I For the most part she's a bada$$ millennial babe that loves to travel, but also wants to look & feel good while doing it! Female Travel is more accessible now than ever before, and a new generation of thrill-seekers is evolving. An increasing amount of resources and products that enable safe, affordable, comfortable, and efficient travel are becoming available to us millennial gals. If you love to travel, party, work hard and play hard, but you can still hold it down and make steezy look easy… Consider yourself a ~*GyPsY DiVa*~ Bring it on!
As a born and bred southern belle, I’ll always be a diva. However, in recent years my inner gypsy is really shining through and the combination of the two has really enhanced the quality of my adventures.
The best way to maximize the spectacularness of life is to unleash both your inner gypsy, and your inner diva, BUT you must know which, how much, and when to do so.
You should never sacrifice an experience for comfort. So harness your diva for the planning and packing, and then once you get out into the elements, it’s time to release the gypsy!
Because my inner diva can be high maintenance, she wants to make sure I’m prepared for any situation. Years of traveling and 100’s of shows and festivals have trained her into knowing some of the basic necessities that are crucial for ANY situation that involves being active or outdoors, in various conditions, and partying for long periods of time. She’s also aware that these activities often involve lots of hot dudes, but can be very trying on your outer appearance.
So for your next trip let the diva handle all of the preparations, but then you can leave her behind, cause Divas don’t flourish in the wilderness.
On the other hand, the gypsy is the most important thing you can bring if you are really looking to enjoy yourself. She’s down for whatever. She can tough it and have fun, even if conditions aren’t exactly ideal. She’s adaptable, spontaneous, and carefree, but maybe sometimes a little bit too carefree. She needs the diva to provide her with resources to prevent her from losing her shit, looking haggard, being unprepared, and lacking in the hygiene department which she is prone to do if left unchecked.
My name’s Baker, but you can call me ShakenBake!~ I’m a born and bred southern belle turned thrill-seeking gypsy. While you can take a girl out of the south, you can’t take the south out of the girl. Although I like to get down and dirty, I try to maintain some elegance while I’m out in the elements. However, this hasn’t stopped me from stumbling my way into some pretty epic adventures.
When it comes to keeping up with my belongings, my appearance, and my well-being, the struggle is real. Out of necessity, I've implemented lots of techniques for ways to travel and party responsibly, to work smart not hard, and to have well-balanced benders.
On this website, I will share where I’ve been, and what I’ve learned. If I can do it, you can do it! (Trust Me!)
I’m a former full-time nomad who spent 10 years traveling, partying, and working all over the world.
My biggest clean to fame is starring in Season 5 of Bravo TV’s hit reality show Below Deck Caribbean.
I’ve traveled to 30 + countries, partied (hard) at 50 + music festivals, driven through 40 + US states, and popped bottles of champagne in XX destinations worldwide on my ongoing #ChampagneCampagne.
I’ve lived and worked on bad-ass yachts & private jets, and I’ve cruised across America while living in a 32-ft RV. I’ve taught English in South America, volunteered in Costa Rica, & promoted countless festivals and events
I’m currently back home in Charleston, SC where I earn money hosting my home and experiences on Airbnb (SuperHost) Party Host with my local business DivaDance Parties Charleston.
I created this website to share my experiences, resources, and travel guides with anyone who wants to explore more, adult less, and party hard.
Whether you’re new to travel or a seasoned globetrotter, be sure to check out my content which is full of advice, hacks, and adventures to help and inspire your next trip.
- I’ve gotten paid to live and work on luxurious yachts as a deckhand and even starred in the reality TV show Below Deck Caribbean on Bravo.
- I’ve worked on motor yachts, sailing yachts, and private jets. I’ve taught English in Argentina, and Zumba in Charleston, and volunteered/worked press for music festivals all over the world.
- I’ve traveled to 30 + countries, driven through 40+ states (& Black Rock City!) in my RV, Popped champagne in 50+ destinationS on my #ChampagneCampaign, and danced my ass off at 60+ music festivals all over the world.
- My blogs, travel guides, and digital courses have been read by over 100,000 people.
- I’ve also gotten paid to work on private jets, and sailing yachts, and I’ve taught English & volunteered in South America
- I have a 32 ft. RV that I’ve lived in for several seasons, and
- I’m the captain of a land yacht called The Vizzle- a 32 ft RV that has been to Burning Man and back
Below Deck
Private Jets
Airbnb Superhost
DivaDance Party Host
Captain of a land yacht
Avid roller blader & party enthusiast
Champagne Campaign
Boat flip and dog bite survivor
Burning Man 3 X
Adulting for 3+ Years
Elevate Your State Through Exploration and Celebration!
I’m Baker Manning, a born and bred southern belle turned gypsy diva. For the past 10 years, I’ve been traveling, living, and working abroad non-stop. I believe that the best way to achieve personal growth and elevate your state is through exploration and celebration, and that is what this site is all about.
This section is incomplete but oh well!
10 years ago today my dad passed away...It was the lowest point of my life and ignited a soul-seeking / thrill-seeking journey that has now become a lifestyle for me. Over time I’ve had a lot of revelations and “mindset shifts” that have helped transform me from a sad broken little gypsy diva to my current state of mind- perma-stoked!
To show some love for my Dad I’ve decided to share some of the most powerful experiences and “elevation revelations” that have had a major positive impact on my life with y’all. For the next 10 days, I’m going to post 10 WAYS TO ELEVATE YOUR STATE 🙂 I hope you discover something useful and uplifting!
- You have to get lost before you can find yourself ~ Paper Towns
- Explore! Leave your comfort zone, break personal boundaries
- Get lost in nature, in art, in far away places with unfamiliar faces, break away from your ego and lose yourself IN THE MOMENT
One month before my dad died I got myself into a bunch of trouble. After some not-so-legal entrepreneurial activities, I was arrested, evicted, and suspended from college. In my eyes, he died thinking I was a failure, and I was consumed by grief and guilt.
A few months after he passed away I went to a music festival called Langerado. Throughout the weekend I got lost in the music, art, and the excitement of my surroundings. I was fully present in the moment, and for the first time in a long time, I temporarily forgot about all of my troubles and woes and allowed myself to feel happy again. I became aware of the fact that it was my choice to do so, and that no matter what else was happening in my life that was out of my control, I COULD control my own emotions. From that moment on I stopped dwelling on dark thoughts from the past, and directed my energy towards making a brighter future... and I also i went to as many music festivals as possible and danced like there was no tomorrow
Time is one of the most valuable assets we have, so don’t waste it! We all have work and obligations that we have to do to survive, but any and every chance you get to dictate how you spend your precious time- you better make the most of it. Do what you can with what you’ve got. Whether you have 10 minutes to work with or 10 days- make it count! Discover the things that you love to do and do them as much as you can.
Everyone’s interests and circumstances are different, but every day we should each make our own unique *Recipe for Spectacularness* using as many ingredients as possible.
I have a long list of things that make me happy, and every day I try to do as many of them as possible. If we’re taking the sailboat to Nantucket for a week - you better believe I’m going to maximize that trip by bringing along my #paddleboard, #wakeboard, #rollerblades, speakers, #hoolah hoop, and as many other of my favorite things as I can fit. If I have an hour to kill I might go on a bike ride, if so I’m going to take the most scenic route and listen to my favorite songs.
The world is yours. Stop caring about what other people think or want- this is YOUR life, do what YOU want to do. If you need some time to figure out what that is- take it!
Give yourself some time to get to know the real you. Enroll in your own personal “you-niversity,” go get lost somewhere out in the you-niverse and escape the pressure and influence of your family, friends, and society. What are your biggest hopes and dreams? What is it that you want to accomplish in your life? What is the motivation behind these goals?
I come from a big traditional southern family, and I grew up in a sheltered bubble with like-minded people. My idea of being “successful” was the same as everyone else- go to college, get a well paying job, get married, and “settle down.” I was heading down the same path until my dad passed away and everything changed.
For the first time I stopped to think about my future, and I started making decisions based on what I wanted, not anyone else. At the time I had no clue what I wanted to do- I just knew that I wanted to avoid this “adulting” thing everyone was talking about. So after college, I began my #youniversity. I decided to challenge myself by doing something completely different every year. I made a list of places I wanted to go, and things I wanted to do, learn, and experience.
Needless to say I broke out of my southern bell shell like a bat outta’ hell and never looked back. As I transformed from a southern bell to a nomadic gypsy I learned to stop caring about what anyone thought about me or my lifestyle, there’s no shame in my game! I do what I want, when I want, and I love every minute of it.
Sometimes you have to be selfish before you can be selfless.
“Forever evolve”- strive to be in a constant state of evolution. Never stop learning, growing, and experiencing new things. TRAVEL, go somewhere you’ve never been, do something you’ve never done, or sample a new genre of music or cuisine.
Look for new ways to challenge yourself- learn a new skill, a foreign language, read books, create artwork, or play an instrument.
Look for areas of your life that you can improve- your health and fitness, your efficiency and productivity, your relationships.
Settle for better! If there’s something in your life that you’re not happy with FIX IT. But always be grateful for what you DO have- You can drive for better but still be satisfied and content with where you are in the journey
2 years after my Dad died I was living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Although I was there to teach English I didn’t have a super busy work schedule and I had a lot of free time on my hands. Sometimes I woke up feeling useless- like I wasn’t contributing to society at all. I felt like I should be busier and “productive.”
While all of my friends back home were working 40+ hours a week in their 9-5’s, I was frolicking around the city working 15 hours a week tops. I was feeling listless and hollow until it dawned on me that I wasn’t just frolicking around listlessly- I was learning new things every day.
I was being exposed to a whole new culture and way of life in a 3rd world Spanish speaking country. I was learning how to adapt to life in a big city, how to navigate through the neighborhoods, how to use the subway and bus systems, and how to read and speak everything in a different language.
Although I wasn’t earning much money, I was getting richer. I was investing my time and energy into gaining new skills, perspectives, and mindsets that are priceless. I realized that at the end of the day the experiences you have, the relationships you make, and the wisdom you gain is way more valuable than money in the bank!
It’s easy to get wrapped in the daily grind. Most of us walk around all day with an endless stream of thoughts running through our heads from the moment we wake up until we fall asleep. We go about our day constantly stressing over the future, so caught up in the daily grind that we’re completely unaware of our surroundings.
Every now and then you should stop and smell the roses! Take a break from the hustle and bustle and just *be.* Take in your surroundings, tune into your senses, and stop trying to transport your mind somewhere else. Appreciate where you are at that very moment and what all you’ve been through to get there.
“Mindfulness isn’t isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.”
Everyone has dreams, but if you’ve ever lucid dreamed you know how liberating it feels when you suddenly wake up inside your own dream.
In one instant all of your fear and anxiety is released, and you realize that that scary thing that’s been chasing you isn’t even real, and that you aren’t a prisoner of your surroundings- you can fly!
“Don’t be pushed around by your problems, be led by your dreams.” Many people go through life in a dreamlike state, being led through a series of events, clueless how they got there and careless to change it.
WAKE UP this isn’t a dream this is your LIFE. Just like in a dream you have the power to shape and create your own reality. If you find yourself in a situation that’s less than desirable- flap your wings and fly to higher grounds- the sky is the limit!
Never stop dreaming- dream big! But you have to WAKE UP and make it happen.
******#7 DON’T BE BASIC
Be you-nique, be you-tiful, be YOU! Dress to EXPRESS, hater’s gone’ hate but
What you do doesn’t define who you are, it’s why you do it, and how you do it. Have an “intention intervention” with yourself. Ask yourself what are your biggest hopes and dreams that you want to accomplish in your life? Then ask yourself WHY? What is the motivation behind these goals?
It's a beautiful world, and we all need to experience, appreciate, and celebrate it as much as we can, while we can. Never stop evolving. Figure out what brings you happiness, and surround yourself with it. Maximize the spectacularness of life every day, in every way. In order to be healthy and happy, we need to nourish our minds, body, and soul. Everyone’s interests and circumstances are different, but every day we should each wake~n~make our own unique recipe for spectacularness, using as many ingredients as possible.
Ingredients: Do what you can with what you’ve got
- First we need to decide which ingredients to throw in the mix, the more the better!
- Then you need to shake em up, break em up, slice, dice, and spice em up, when you marinate it with some good intention and alott’a love!
- Whether you take it and bake it, grill it, or chill it. The only thang that matters is that you prepare it with care, and make lots of extra so you can share!
- Enjoy your concoction Every day, but for every bit you eat, you must give away, because sharing is caring, and giving is living, and the longer you live, and the more you give, the more nutritious and delicious it is.
This part is incomplete.
- Let that shit go
- Break the fake
- Unlearn
- Past beliefs that are obsolete or bullshit
- Desire to be in control/safe
- The habit of judging events or people as good/bad
- Grudges, resentment, guilt, pain, whatever from your past that is clinging to you and holding you back
When I was 5 years old I was the shit- my world consisted of music, dancing, running around barefoot, and dressing up in costumes and bright colors. If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up my answer was always the same- “a queen.”
Fast forward to the age of 20- and I packed on a buncha of layers of bullshit. Self-consciousness,
This is an incomplete Draft of an old blog post of mine from WakenMake.com. Enjoy!
This is a breakdown of * of the most exciting industries and travel jobs for digital nomads that I’ve discovered so far in my 29 years of existence. But first, I want to make a shout-out to all of my fellow 20- something millennial gypsy homegirls out there:
Your 20’s are NOT for adulting. I repeat- do not start adulting yet! That’s what your 30’s are for.
Like most young people in our generation, you’re probably feeling pressured by your parents and society to settle down, start a career, raise a family, and pursue the “American dream.” However, like most young people you may not be ready for such a commitment, and you’ve come to a point in your life where you need to do something, but you still don’t know what...You need to buy yourself some time to figure things out, and get everyone off of your case!
Well, fortunately, there are several *exciting jobs that involve traveling* that are great for girls in their 20’s, that you could do for a year or two before you dive into a serious career, that you could get may help buy you some time to explore the world, meet interesting people, and have some unique experiences that will ultimately give you a new and better perspective On the universe, how you fit into it, and how you can make it a better place.
Most of the jobs and opportunities on that list I have either experienced 1st hand or know someone else who has. In this post, I’m going to give a little summary about each industry, and provide you with additional links and resources to help you get inspired, get hired, and not get fired.
- Get a job on a yacht
- Deckhand
- Stewardess
- Deck/stew
- Sport Fish
- I discovered the yachting industry when I was 25, and in my opinion working on a yacht is one of the best solutions to “pre-mature adulting” out there.
- My first job was as a deckhand / stewardess, and I worked full-time for over a year.
- You get paid to live and work on a luxurious mega-yacht and travel to some of the most exotic places in the world. You have no living expenses, so you can easily save a lot of money. It’s a challenging job that requires skill, hard work, and self discipline, but can be very rewarding. If you succeed in the yachting industry, you will develop invaluable skills and character traits in the process. To learn more about the yachting industry,
- Work on a private jet
- Flight attendant
- Teach English Abroad
- I taught English in Buenos Aires, Argentina for about 6 months when I was 23, and it was a life-changing experience that I would encourage anyone to explore.
- There are english teaching job opportunities all over the world. This is a great way to live abroad and experience a new culture while earning some income at the same time.
- There are various programs that you can enroll in to get certified to teach english as a second language, such as TEFL, TESL.
- Each program offers different levels of certifications ranging from $$$-$$$, and many of them can be done online.
- Seasonal Work
- Mountain or Beach Resort
- National Park
- Trim Weed
- There are a lot of seaonsal job opportunities at outdoor adventure destinations such as beach or Vail Mountain Resorts, summer camps, lakes, rivers, campgrounds or national parks.
- These types of places will often times hire hundreds or even thousands of people to work seasonally.
- You could get a job as a surf or water sports instructor, a ski or snowboard instructor, a camp counselor, a hiking or white water rafting guide, or any number of jobs in the service and hospitality departments, sales, or even maintenance or construction.
- When I graduated college in 2010 I moved to Breckenridge, Colorado and worked as a babysitter for a company called Resort Sitters. Eventually I started working in a restaurant, but because I
- Work at a Hostel
- Fitness / Wellness Jobs
- Yoga / Pilates
- Masseuse
- Beautician
- Zumba / Spin / Fitness Instructor
- Adventure Sports Instructor:
- Surf / Kiteboard / Paddleboard
- Scuba
- Ski / Snowboard
- Tour Guide / Travel Guide
- Traveling Nurse
- Nanny / Eu paire
- Promo Model / Ambassador
- Boat or RV Delivery
- Electronics & Gadget Delivery
- Personal Chef
- Estate Manager
- House Sitters / House Swap
- Work Remotely
- Website
- Graphic Design
- E-commerce
- Virtual Assistant
- Freelance
- Writer
- Photographer
- Videographer
- Editing / Transcripts
- Social Media Marketing
- Deliver Electronics
- Production Team / Special Events
- Vending @ Festivals and Events
- VIP Catering
- Food and Bev
- Performer / Artist
- Internships
- Volunteer
- Air BnB
- Translator
- Volunteer
Pre-mature Adulting
(This is incomplete)
- My reason for creating WakenMake- to discourage and find a solution to the millennial affliction that is running rampant: premature adulting.
- Define premature adulting- it’s causes and symptoms - the old way of thinking, pressure, lack of direction or awareness, laziness, sheltered, over-privileged, unbalanced gypsy diva, and lack of appreciation.
- I’ve been actively seeking out “vaccine / cure /solutions “-
I’ve been working in the yachting industry for several years, but I’ve only recently been inspired to transition from the blue-tiful water, to the blue-tiful sky, and
From the gulf stream to the jet stream, I’m chasin’ my “Stream Dreams.”
Get a job on a yacht
- Get paid to travel to some of the most exotic destinations in the world while living and working aboard a luxurious mega-yacht.
- As a full time crew member you can expect to live on the vessel, and have virtually no living expenses.
- Many yachts will offer you close to $3,000.00 a month as an entry level crew member, plus vacation and perks.
- No previous experience on boats is necessary, although there are some skills and character traits that will help you
- Entry level yacht jobs for females can be any variation of
- Stewardess
- Deckhand
- Deck / Stew
- Stew Chef
- Click Here to learn more about Deckhand and Stewardess Job Descriptions
- Click Here to read the Step by Step Guide to Getting a Job on a Yacht
Get a job on a private jet
- Get paid to jet set all over the world on state of the art private jets, while catering to the rich and famous.
- Wherever the jet goes, you go. You may go to a different destination every day, in which case the owner or company will pay for your hotel / lodging + per diet, which means they will give you additional money to cover living expenses such as food and transportation.
- As a Corporate Flight Attendant, you will / may be in charge of :
- Preparing and maintaining the interior of the aircraft for flights.
- In-flight service at a 5 star level
- Arranging or organizing all catering, provisioning, and special requests from the guests and crew for each trip.
- And possibly arranging transportation and lodging at each destination.
- ^ Ensuring the safety of the passengers among other things.
- There are full-time, part-time, or contract / free lance opportunities to explore.
- You may work excusively for one owner or company, or you could work for a fractional ownership company such as Netjets or Flexjet.
- Fulltime position salaries may range from **--** for 16 days of work per month, often times with a set schedule such as 8 days on, 7 days off.
- Contract jobs pay somewhere between $350 $550 a day + per diem.
- You may fly halfway across the world, and post up somewhere for several days, In which case you can expect to be put up in a sweet hotel, and paid the full daily rate, even if you aren’t technically working.
As a carefree GypsyDiva who likes to party- the struggle is real. Especially when it comes to keeping up with my belongings, my appearance, and my well-being while traveling.
Despite my shortcomings, I’ve managed to pull off some epic sheeit. While I may not be getting wiser- I’m resourcefulAF.
Out of necessity I've cultivated some resourceful techniques to become more #DivaProof: so that I can travel smarter, party responsibly, and TRY to maintain a sliver of elegance while out in the elements.
I'm constantly planning my next adventure. There are so many places I want to go, and so many things I want to do, that it's hard to pick and choose which one to do next! What's a Diva to do?
- Time is one of the most valuable things we have, and I want to be sure to maximize mine. I take this into account when planning a trip.
- When deciding where to live, I like to choose the location first, THEN I figure out, how will I earn a living there. It's not about WHAT you do, it's WHERE you go because if it rates high on the Premo-Locay scale, I don't care what I do, I just wanna be there!
- When deciding on my next travel destination I ask myself, which of these places can provide me with the most spectacular time possible?
- I've created a scale based on what I personally want out of my travels, I call this The Gypsy Diva's Scale of Spectacularness.
The Gypsy Diva Scale of Spectacularness is based on the following factors:
- Is the place a vacation destination?
- Do I know someone who lives there?
- Does the place offer multiple forms of exhilaration?
- Do people party there? (how much, how late, live music*)
- Is there a high concentration of hot dudes?
- Is there potential for growth- new culture, education, new experience
- What is the Travel/Chill ratio?
- Is it in season?
We Divas like to keep it classy, so I rate potential vacation destinations from Class 1 to Class 3, Class 3 obviously being an Optimal Gypsy Diva Destination.
Every day you wake n' make a choice, whether you're consciously aware of it or not. You are in charge of whether or not you have a good day. Although you may not have control over everything that happens, you have control over attitude, and how you react.
In order to be healthy and happy, we need to nourish our minds, body, and soul. Everyone’s interests and circumstances are different, but every day we should each wake~n~make our own unique recipe for spectacularness, using as many ingredients as possible.
Ingredients: Do what you can with what you’ve got.
- First, we need to decide which ingredients to throw in the mix, the more the better!
- Then you need to shake em up, break em up, slice, dice, and spice em up, when you marinate it with some good intention and alott’a love!
- Whether you take it and bake it, grill it, or chill it. The only thang that matters is that you prepare it with care, and make lots of extra so you can share!
- Enjoy your concoction Every day, but for every bit you eat, you must give away, because sharing is caring, and giving is living, and the longer you live, and the more you give, the more nutritious and delicious it is.
32 discoveries/ experiences/ ideas/ products that changed my life/couldnt live without
- [ ] Intermittent fasting
- [ ] Clear hanging shoe bags
- [ ] Audible/ podcasts
- [ ] WordBoard
- [ ] AirBnB
- [ ] 1Password
- [ ] Give people keywords in phone
- [ ] Clear bags- sheets!
- [ ]
- [x] WakenMake- Dream Big. Wake Up. Make it Happen
- [x] Life is not a Destination, It’s a Celebration
- [ ] Maximize the Spectacularness of Life/ (Recipe)
- [ ] Recipe for Spectacularness
- [ ] Get the best of all worlds
- [x] Elevate Your State Through Celebration & Exploration
- [ ] Evervolve
- [x] When You Get a Chance- DANCE
- [x] Angelrox
- [x] Bandiwear Fanny Packs
- [x] Sarongs!
- [ ] Visors &/or Headbands
- [x] Bluetooth Headphones
- [ ] Audiobooks/Podcasts
- [ ] Playlists
- [x] Portable Battery Packs
- [x] Multi-USB Cords
- [ ] Clear Bags
- [x] Insulated Cups/ Waterbottles
- [x] LED Lights/ Sparkles
- [x] Audible
- [x] Podcasts
- [x] 1Password
- [ ] Notes/Asana
- [x] 4 Hour Work Week
- [ ] Everything Is Figureouttable
- [x] Bulletproof Diet
- [x] A New Earth
- [ ] Crush It
- [ ] Atomic Habits
- [ ] 5 Love Languages
- [ ] 7 habits of highly effective people
- [ ] Miracle Morning/ Best Year Ever
- [ ] Life planner- Michael Hyatt / Law of Attraction/ Freedom Journal
- [ ] Smart Passive Income
- [ ] Entrepreneurs on Fire
- [ ] Online Marketing Made Easy
- [ ] The Blogging Millionaire
- [ ] Marie Forleo
- [ ] The Sunny Show
- [ ] Tim Ferris Show
- [ ] This is Your Life
- [ ] The Art of Charm
- [ ] School of Greatness
- [ ] Vlog Boss Radio
- [ ] Become a Problogger
- [ ] Bulletproof Radio
- [ ] Fatburning Man
- [ ] Get Paid for Your Pad
- [ ] Short Term Rental Profits
- [ ] Spirit Science
- [ ] Sacred Geometry
Below is all taken from my old website WakenMake.com. I forgot to renew the URL and it expired so I'm slowly bringing the content from that website to this one. This was part of the homepage:
It's a big spectacular world out there,. We all need to experience it, appreciate it, it, and celebrate it as much as we can, while we can. When I travel it’s typically for one of three things: adventure, music, or to party. This section will highlight places I like to go, what I like to do, and things I like to bring, to maximize the spectacularness of life*
When I was 20 years old, a series of unfortunate events occurred one after another, that rocked my world. My poor little southern spirit was broken, and I set out to fix it. Now, 8 years later, I’m pretty much *stoked* all the time, I’m physically and spiritually stronger than ever. Life has provided me with the experiences and resources that I needed to dance my way back to my happy place. I’m willing to share it all with y’all, the good, the bad, and the interesting. I hope it will help or inspire anyone else who’s looking for ways to elevate their state.
*Article related Wake of Bake* (?) Wake n Make- pivotal points
Champagne Campaign
I’m on a never-ending campaign to celebrate life, in as many places as possible, with as many people as possible. Find the beauty in the world, surround yourself with it, and pop a bottle!
Slang w/a Twang
As a lil’ Southern bell shakin’ and breakin’ outta my shell, I was thrilled to learn that people all over the world talk slang w’ a twang just like me. I love to learn the funny phrases and styles from other cultures, so that I can talk how they talk, and walk how they walk. In fact, my own slanglish is so thick that I’ve started up a lil’ dictionary to help you understand me.
I love taking pictures and videos when I do cool shit. Also, I’m a firm believer that almost everything’s better with music. This section will feature sick pics, sick flicks, and sick mixes to help move you and groove you into action!
Through Exploration and Celebration
I’m Baker Manning, a born and bred southern belle turned gypsy diva. For the past 10+ years, I’ve been traveling, living, and working abroad non-stop. I believe that the best way to achieve personal growth and elevate your state is through exploration and celebration, and that is what this site is all about.
Whether it’s short term, long term, permanent, solo, or with friends, get out there and do it! BakerManning.com is a collection of guides, reviews, advice, and resources for all of my fellow millennial gypsies and nomads out there who want to travel and experience what this beautiful world has to offer. This is where I’ve been and what I’ve done. If I can do it, you can do it.
While I plan to cover various topics pertaining to exploration and celebration, you may want to check out some of my most popular posts and guides:
We live in a world where anything is possible. You can do or be anything you want. DREAM BIG. WAKE UP. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
This post is the festival camping checklist introduction to section 3 of the Ultimate Guide to Thrive and Survive at a Music Festival. This section is completely dedicated to packing. It’s an extensive resource with techniques, resources, and packing checklists for music festivals and camping. With proper preparation and packing, you can be carefree, and rest assured that you’re prepared to face and overcome any natural or manmade disaster that could potentially go down.
When we travel we temporarily give up the luxurious life that we’re accustomed to, as a result
we gain much more…
“Things we gain by traveling”
- Appreciation
- Perspective
- Adaptability
- Resourcefulness
- Self Awareness
- Presence of Mind
- Connection
- Freedom of Expression
- Inspiration
- Transcendence
If traveling is one of the best things I can do for my own Self Wealth then going to a Music Festival might just be the best way to invest.
- Attending a Music Festival is without a doubt a form of traveling, and for younger generations, it’s becoming a rite of passage.
- According to** 1 out of every 5 millennials will attend a music festival this year.
- That means that 1 out of every 5 millennials could become more appreciative, more adaptable, more present, and more inspired...
- Those who have a good experience at a festival will undoubtedly become infested with the ever-growing travel bug, which is going viral and threatens to infect all of humanity with higher vibrations, and irreversible evolution.
- Once you’ve survived your first festival experience you’ve broken a personal boundary and there’s no turning back.
- Many festival experiences are comparable to traveling to a 3rd world foreign country, or better yet- another planet... and you don’t even have to get a passport or rocket ship to do it. Just don’t forget to bring your landing gear 🙂
A strange thing starts to happen when you surround yourself with unfamiliar faces, and lose yourself in unfamilar places...
**Sometimes You Must Lose Yourself Before You can Truly Find Yourself**
If that’s true then I was born at Bonnaroo! A music festival embodies all of the aspects of traveling + the added elements of, well- elements. As opposed to many other forms of travel you have to be completely self reliant at a festival. For many festivals you can assume that you are giving up some of the most basic luxuries and conveniences:
- No hotels or hostels - Provide and Build your Own Shelter
- No Grocery or Convenience Store - Bring Your Own Food & Water
- No Running Water
- No Electricity
- No AC, Heat, or even a solid shelter of the storm gods start raging
Add all of that with the fact that you are nonstop the entire weekend and the experience has the potential to get really extreme really quickly.
- With proper planning, preparation, gear, and an open heart - attending a festival doesn’t have to be so extreme… It can even sometimes be ....glamorish?
- Every day new innovations and technology that are changing the way we travel and fest are becoming more and more available and affordable to the masses.
No Excuses! The world is waiting… Your life isn’t going to live itself.
*Wake Up, Make It Happen!*
Here at WakenMake we believe the best way to elevate your state is through exploration and celebration. You should never sacrifice an experience for comfort, so it’s our mission to find and design products and techniques that maximize the comfort, ease, and spectacularness of whatever type of travel you’re looking to invest in.
Make Categories For Different Types of Luggage
- Clothing
- Undergarments
- Accessories
- Shoes
- Toiletries
- Electronics
Pack Similar Luggage Together
- Personal Bag
- Personal Items
- Electronics
- Rain Jacket
- Suitcase / Pack
- Clothing
- Toiletries
- Personal Bag
Use Packing Accessories to Separate & Organize
- Clear / See Through
- Expandable / Collapsible
- Packable (?)
- Hanging Capabilities
- Packing Cubes
- Clothing & Accessories
- Tops vs bottoms
- Whole outfits
- Jewelry
- Electronics
- Clothing & Accessories
- Toiletry & Cosmetic Kits
- Laundry / Shoe Bags
Pre-Plan Outfits
- 1-2 for each day
- Minimize unnecessary items (Toiletries)
- Take a picture
Choose Outfits You Can Mix & Match
- Color Scheme
- Outer Shell
- Solids vs. Patterns
Choose Multi-Way & Multi-Purpose Items ( Clothings / Accessories / Toiletries)
- Examples:
- Sarongs
- Vests
- Bandanas
- Head Bands
- Leg / Arm Warmers
- Hoods
- Cinchable
- Attachable
- Adapters
Choose Versatile Gear
- Can be worn in multiple environments / more than once
- Outdoor
- Indoor
- Travel Grade
- Sleep
- Low Maintenance
- Wrinkle-free
- Won’t Look Dirty
- Doesn’t Require More Accessories (Electronics)
- Re-usable
- Weatherproof
- Minimal Parts
- Multi-Features
- Features:
- Weather-resistant
- High Performance
- UV protection
- Moisture Wicking
- Quick-dry
- Pockets
- Collapsible
- Attachable
- Can be worn in multiple environments / more than once
Stay Organized Throughout the Trip!
- Put everything back in its place
- Wash Clothes to re-wear them
Pack Attack! Music Festival Survival (New Titles!)
In this post we go over the 6 steps you should take to execute a successful Music Festival Pack Attack so that you don’t just merely survive, but you thrive...and maybe even maintain some elegance while out in the elements.
When you’re camping out at a multi-day music festival the struggle is real. There are a lot of factors and elements working against you.
Music Festival Struggles:
- Extreme Weather
- Extreme Temperature Changes
- Exposure to the Elements
- Subpar Shelter
- Limited Resources
- Limited Space
- Limited Amenities
- Increased Physical **
- Maximal Crunkness
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best XXXXXXXX
With proper preparation and packing, you can be carefree, and rest assured that you’re prepared to face and overcome any natural or manmade disaster that could potentially go down.
Packing and preparing for a festival should not be taken lightly, you don’t merely want to survive at a music festival, you want to THRIVE.
Do the best you can with what you’ve got. When packing for a festival, first you need to make sure you have the bare necessities necessary to survive covered. Then, if space and resources allow, it’s time to bring on the accessories or should I say “excessories” to thrive. These are items that you could do without if you had to, but you should bring if you can...
Pack Attack! 6 Steps for Optimal Execution:
- Research
- Create a Checklist
- Coordinate
- Gather Items
- Organize
- Pack!
Step 1: Research
There are several factors that need to be taken into consideration before you begin packing. First, find out the answers to the following questions:
- Type of Lodging? (Pros and Cons)
- ~Camping
- ~Glamping
- ~RV / Camper
- ~Cabin / Rental House
- ~Hotel / Motel / Hostel
- Duration of Event?
- How Many People in Crew / Vehicle?
- Transportation- How Much Space?
- Weather Forecast?
- Car Camping?
- Amenities Nearby
- Grocery / Liquor
- Walmart
- Amenities on Site?
- Food /Water/ Ice
- Showers / Running Water
- Electricity?
- Phone / Internet Service?
- Special Activities / Recreation?
- Bikes / Golf Carts Allowed?
- Venue Restrictions and Regulations?
- Re-entry
- Open Fires
- Generators
- Glass
- Limited Space?
Step 2: Create a Checklist
Step 3: Coordinate W/Crew
Step 4 Gather Items
Step 5: Organize Your Gear
Step 6: Pack Attack!
**Steps for Choosing the Right Gear
To shop my favorite go-to beach gear on Amazon >click here< Everything I've added to the Beach Necessities Checklist is tried tested & bested!
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community-supported and ad-free.